¡Cuánta razón! / THE BEATLES
Enviado por akani el 6 jul 2012, 03:24


victor hertz,poster,rock,pictograma,canciones,the beatles

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#101 por miguazar
7 jul 2012, 04:28

Solo comento por el logro

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#102 por elegido92
7 jul 2012, 04:29

Abbey Road, I'll Follow the Sun, Eight Days a Week, Norwerian Wood, Yellow Submarine, Hello Goodbye, Polythene Pam, While my Guitar Gently Weeps, Baby's in Black, I'm Looking Through You, Magical Mystery Tour, Revolver, Drive my Car, All You Need is Love, Lucy in the Skywhit Diamonds, Strawberry Fields Forever, Sun King, Ticket to Ride, And You Bird Can Sing, Maxwell's Silver Hammer, Tell me What You See, Lady Madonna, The Fool on the Hill, Can't Buy me Love, I'm the Walrus, Octopus's Garden y Things We Said Today :fuckyea:

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#103 por agor95
7 jul 2012, 04:56

The Beatles es la banda de rock más sobrevalorada que he visto. Fueron una banda promedio que influenciaron a las boy-bands de hoy en día.

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#104 por ac1994
7 jul 2012, 05:21

Todas las canciones!

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#105 por 12hutarra
7 jul 2012, 05:25

Come Together
Maxwell's Silver Hammer
Oh! Darling
Octopus's Garden
I Want You (She's So Heavy)
Here Comes the Sun
You Never Give Me Your Money
Her Majesty
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
Helter Skelter
Love Me Do
Please Please Me
She Loves You
All My Loving
Can't Buy Me Love
A Hard Day's Night
I Feel Fine
Day Tripper
Drive My Car
Yellow Submarine
Twist and Shout

=) los mejores the beatles

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#106 por rayitomendezcs
7 jul 2012, 06:02

Sun king, Octopus garden, strawberry fields forever, lucy in the sky with diamonds, while my guitar, run for your life, here comes the sun o ill follow the sun, cant buy my love, ticket to ride, and you bird can sing o blackbird , drive my car, yellow submarine, magical mistery tour, the long and winding road, dig a pony,all you need is love, revolver 9, norwegian wood, eight days a week, im looking trught you, any time at all, max well silver hammer, baby its you,

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#107 por panchohcnap
7 jul 2012, 06:52

yo me llamo Raflh

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#108 por vladix99
7 jul 2012, 07:04

La de la persona siguiendo el sol es Here comes the Sun o I'll Follow The Sun???

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#109 por megamagner
7 jul 2012, 07:04

#51 #51 _lameloide dijo: Sun King
Octopus Garden
Lucy in the Sky.
Norwegian Wood
8 Days a Week.
She's Got a Ticket to Ride.
Here Comes The Sun.
While my Guitar Gently weeps.
The Long and Winding Road.
Strawberry Fields Forever.
Yellow Submarine
Polythene Pam
Yellow Submarine
Maxwell's Silver Hammer
Hello Goodbye
I am The Walrus
All You Need is Love.
Cant Buy Me Love
Carry That Weight
I'm Looking Through You
Any Time at All.
Magical Mystery Tour
Ill follow the sun.

me sacaste las palabras xD

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#110 por deskflipyaoming
7 jul 2012, 07:29


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#111 por bernsilv
7 jul 2012, 07:40

#84 #84 ibarrec dijo: #51 Creo que te has dejado "Her majesty" y "I wanna hold your hand"Cual es I wanna hold your hand?

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#112 por aniadeitachi
7 jul 2012, 08:36

no conosco sus canciones me pondre a escucahr todos sus trabajos para ver q las:D

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#113 por maxay
7 jul 2012, 09:35

Los beatles fueron aquellos que nos ayudaron con canciones y pensar un poco sobre todo y nosotros,como la cancion de imagine de john lenon

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#114 por feelikeatroll
7 jul 2012, 10:01

¡Mola! Pero molaria más con un dibujito para "Yesterday" u.u

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#115 por epia
7 jul 2012, 10:38

Me mataréis a negativos pero a mi lo Beattle nunca me han gustado mucho. Ni los Rolling. De hecho a mi la música moderna (la clásica pues, es clásica y me gusta) me empieza a gustar a partir de mediados de los 70: Dire Straits.

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#116 por exceptmeandmymonkey
7 jul 2012, 11:06

Hasta ahora, los comentarios que he visto resolviendo el pictograma son incompletos o en parte incorrectos:
- No aparece Here comes the Sun, sino I'll follow the sun. De no ser así, la fecha estaría en posición inversa.
- El bebé a través de la lupa es Little Child.
- Las manos ofreciendo el corazón puede ser, además de All you need is love, All my loving.
- El símbolo de lo femenino con la corona es Her Majesty.
- El pájaro, además de representar Blackbird, puede ser And your bird can sing.

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#117 por hammer_43
7 jul 2012, 12:14

pocas... y no por eso dejo de ser humano, que lo sepais!

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#118 por lulii_99
7 jul 2012, 14:58

I'll follow the sun, 8 days a week, hello goodbye, Yellow Submarine, Lucy in the sky with diamonds,Octopus garden, for no one, i'm fixing a hole, the sun king, lady maddona, Blackbird♥, drive my car, i'm the walrus, can't buy my love, Still my guitarr gently weeps, maxweel silver hammer, Norwegian wood (this bird has flown) baby it's you, all my loving, any time at all, Magical mistery tour, Ticket to Ride. the long and Winding Road, Strawberry fields forever, Polythene Pam, Carry That Weight :D
♥♥The Beatles♥♥

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#119 por lilumarsal
7 jul 2012, 15:17

#78 #78 captainobvious_maximumpower dijo: #51 with diamons...*dimonDs ;)

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#120 por blanch1
7 jul 2012, 15:53

#25 #25 illuminati_slave91 dijo: #3 #2 #5 #1 #8 SUBNORMALES ,... SI NO SABEN QUE COMENTAR NO COMENTEN!!! -.-Yo sí que iba a comentar, GILIPOLLAS

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#121 por monolith
7 jul 2012, 15:53

#51 #51 _lameloide dijo: Sun King
Octopus Garden
Lucy in the Sky.
Norwegian Wood
8 Days a Week.
She's Got a Ticket to Ride.
Here Comes The Sun.
While my Guitar Gently weeps.
The Long and Winding Road.
Strawberry Fields Forever.
Yellow Submarine
Polythene Pam
Yellow Submarine
Maxwell's Silver Hammer
Hello Goodbye
I am The Walrus
All You Need is Love.
Cant Buy Me Love
Carry That Weight
I'm Looking Through You
Any Time at All.
Magical Mystery Tour
Ill follow the sun.

¿La del pájaro no podría ser tambien "And your bird can sing"?

A favor En contra 2(2 votos)
#122 por iamthewalrus98
7 jul 2012, 16:20

I am the egg man...!! They are the egg men...!! I am the WALRUS!! (8) Beatles 4ever;)

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#123 por prezpela
7 jul 2012, 16:28

Yo modere este cartel

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#124 por mblanesg
7 jul 2012, 16:49

Yellow Submarine :yaoming:

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#125 por aoeuidrtns
7 jul 2012, 17:08

#51 #51 _lameloide dijo: Sun King
Octopus Garden
Lucy in the Sky.
Norwegian Wood
8 Days a Week.
She's Got a Ticket to Ride.
Here Comes The Sun.
While my Guitar Gently weeps.
The Long and Winding Road.
Strawberry Fields Forever.
Yellow Submarine
Polythene Pam
Yellow Submarine
Maxwell's Silver Hammer
Hello Goodbye
I am The Walrus
All You Need is Love.
Cant Buy Me Love
Carry That Weight
I'm Looking Through You
Any Time at All.
Magical Mystery Tour
Ill follow the sun.

La carretera es "Penny Lane"

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#126 por ares3000
7 jul 2012, 17:52

yo para tener 11 años puedo descubrir poco

-octopus garden
-here comes the sun
-blackbird(unas de mis favoritas xD)
-yellow submarine
-hello goodbye
-drive my car
- Strawberry fields forever
-sun king
-magical mistery tour

y otra que estan ahi me se tambien

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#127 por lulii_99
7 jul 2012, 21:29

#123 #123 prezpela dijo: Yo modere este cartel Felicidades

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#128 por captainobvious_maximumpower
8 jul 2012, 02:06

#119 #119 lilumarsal dijo: #78 *dimonDs ;)Tenés razón. Me comí la D, perdón.

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#129 por agor95
8 jul 2012, 04:56

#103 #103 agor95 dijo: The Beatles es la banda de rock más sobrevalorada que he visto. Fueron una banda promedio que influenciaron a las boy-bands de hoy en día.LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, 4 fanboys a los que les duele la verdad.

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#130 por tatizevallos
8 jul 2012, 05:44

La pista es "The long and winding road”
1er bloque
I'll follow the sun
Eight days a week
2do bloque
Norwegian Wood
Yellow submarine
Hello - goodbye
I got to find my baby
Polythene Pam
While my guitar gently weeps
Magical Mistery Tour
3er bloque
Hapiness is a warm gun
Drive my car
All you need is love
Across the universe
Strawberry fields
Sun king
Ticket to ride
4to bloque
Can't buy me love
I'm the walrus
Octopus garden
5to bloque
Her majesty
Maxwell's silver hammer
Carry that weight

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#131 por roco_xdd
8 jul 2012, 06:14

#51 #51 _lameloide dijo: Sun King
Octopus Garden
Lucy in the Sky.
Norwegian Wood
8 Days a Week.
She's Got a Ticket to Ride.
Here Comes The Sun.
While my Guitar Gently weeps.
The Long and Winding Road.
Strawberry Fields Forever.
Yellow Submarine
Polythene Pam
Yellow Submarine
Maxwell's Silver Hammer
Hello Goodbye
I am The Walrus
All You Need is Love.
Cant Buy Me Love
Carry That Weight
I'm Looking Through You
Any Time at All.
Magical Mystery Tour
Ill follow the sun.

Impresionante, y yo que me consideraba un gran fan de The Beatles, mis respetos

A favor En contra 2(2 votos)
#132 por electro_escarabajo
8 jul 2012, 06:45

#51 #51 _lameloide dijo: Sun King
Octopus Garden
Lucy in the Sky.
Norwegian Wood
8 Days a Week.
She's Got a Ticket to Ride.
Here Comes The Sun.
While my Guitar Gently weeps.
The Long and Winding Road.
Strawberry Fields Forever.
Yellow Submarine
Polythene Pam
Yellow Submarine
Maxwell's Silver Hammer
Hello Goodbye
I am The Walrus
All You Need is Love.
Cant Buy Me Love
Carry That Weight
I'm Looking Through You
Any Time at All.
Magical Mystery Tour
Ill follow the sun.

Donde esta la de Here comes the sun no la veo

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#133 por electro_escarabajo
8 jul 2012, 06:47

#51 #51 _lameloide dijo: Sun King
Octopus Garden
Lucy in the Sky.
Norwegian Wood
8 Days a Week.
She's Got a Ticket to Ride.
Here Comes The Sun.
While my Guitar Gently weeps.
The Long and Winding Road.
Strawberry Fields Forever.
Yellow Submarine
Polythene Pam
Yellow Submarine
Maxwell's Silver Hammer
Hello Goodbye
I am The Walrus
All You Need is Love.
Cant Buy Me Love
Carry That Weight
I'm Looking Through You
Any Time at All.
Magical Mystery Tour
Ill follow the sun.

Ahh y carnal te falto la de Happines Is A Warm Gun

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#134 por aragonsos
8 jul 2012, 09:12

#70 #70 chich094 dijo: #51 Excelente :D me alegra ver más adictos a los beatles por ahí jeje. Sólo dos cosas: crees que la camioneta con el gorro podría ser Taxman? y te faltó Drive My Car, arriba de Strawberry Fields.
Un abrazo y suerte de un super Beatle Fan :B
jajaj, no es taxman xD es Magical Mystery Tour

A favor En contra 1(1 voto)
#135 por tatizevallos
8 jul 2012, 09:15

#102 #102 elegido92 dijo: Abbey Road, I'll Follow the Sun, Eight Days a Week, Norwerian Wood, Yellow Submarine, Hello Goodbye, Polythene Pam, While my Guitar Gently Weeps, Baby's in Black, I'm Looking Through You, Magical Mystery Tour, Revolver, Drive my Car, All You Need is Love, Lucy in the Skywhit Diamonds, Strawberry Fields Forever, Sun King, Ticket to Ride, And You Bird Can Sing, Maxwell's Silver Hammer, Tell me What You See, Lady Madonna, The Fool on the Hill, Can't Buy me Love, I'm the Walrus, Octopus's Garden y Things We Said Today :fuckyea:No hay una canción que se llame Abbey Road, sino un album

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#136 por ratiiit
8 jul 2012, 12:28

#121 #121 monolith dijo: #51 ¿La del pájaro no podría ser tambien "And your bird can sing"?no, xq es negro, es un mirlo blackbird

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#137 por MaterialDefectuoso20
8 jul 2012, 16:21

#116 #116 exceptmeandmymonkey dijo: Hasta ahora, los comentarios que he visto resolviendo el pictograma son incompletos o en parte incorrectos:
- No aparece Here comes the Sun, sino I'll follow the sun. De no ser así, la fecha estaría en posición inversa.
- El bebé a través de la lupa es Little Child.
- Las manos ofreciendo el corazón puede ser, además de All you need is love, All my loving.
- El símbolo de lo femenino con la corona es Her Majesty.
- El pájaro, además de representar Blackbird, puede ser And your bird can sing.
Blackbird singing in the dead of the night...Eso descarta tu teoría sobre And Your Bird Can Sing.

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#138 por MaterialDefectuoso20
8 jul 2012, 17:09

De Arriba a Abajo:
Grupo 1: Follow the Sun, Eight Days a Week , The Long and Winding Road
Grupo 2: Norwegian Wood, Hello, Goodbye, Little Child, Polytheme Pan, While my guitar gently weeps, I'm Looking Through you, Magical Mistery Tour
Grupo 3: Happiness is a warm gun, Drive my Car, All my loving/All You Need Is love, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, Strawberry fields forever, Sun King, Ticket To Ride, Blackbird
Grupo 4: Can't buy me love, I'm the walrus, Octopuss garden, No Reply
Grupo 5: Tell Me What You See, Her Majesty, Maxwell Silver Hammer, Any Time at All, Carry that weight

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#139 por alberthacdc
8 jul 2012, 18:20

No se dieron cuenta q

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#140 por alberthacdc
8 jul 2012, 18:22

No se dieron cuenta que cabe la posibilidad de que haya dos canciones en una sola imagen, Me refiero a que el Pájaro hace referencia a "And your bird can sing" y a "Blackbird", Y La de la chica en el circulo puede hacer referencia a "Lucy in the sky with diamonds" y a "Across the Universe", las únicas que no identifico son la del ojo de arriba, Lo que esta como roto arriba de Maxwell's silver Hammer y La cosa esa que está arriba de la Morsa.

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#141 por larrystylinsobs
9 jul 2012, 02:53

#125 #125 aoeuidrtns dijo: #51 La carretera es "Penny Lane"No, es The Long And Winding Road.

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#142 por pplop
9 jul 2012, 17:08

eight days in a week
octopus's garden
lucy in the sky whith diamonds
while my guitar gently weeps
sun king
yellow submarine
carry that wheigth
black bird
drive my car
hapiness is a warm gun
polithene pam
her majesty (pista oculta)
little child
you can't buy my love
maxwel's silver hammer
norwegian wood
she got a ticket to ride
i'll follow the sun
tell me what you see
i am the walrus
magical world tour
tell me why
i'm looking throught you
the long and winding road
any time at all
all you need is love
soy fan de the beatles y tengo solo 9 años ¿y? ¿les parece raro que tenga dos dedos de frente?

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#143 por nuitari
10 jul 2012, 14:25

#51 #51 _lameloide dijo: Sun King
Octopus Garden
Lucy in the Sky.
Norwegian Wood
8 Days a Week.
She's Got a Ticket to Ride.
Here Comes The Sun.
While my Guitar Gently weeps.
The Long and Winding Road.
Strawberry Fields Forever.
Yellow Submarine
Polythene Pam
Yellow Submarine
Maxwell's Silver Hammer
Hello Goodbye
I am The Walrus
All You Need is Love.
Cant Buy Me Love
Carry That Weight
I'm Looking Through You
Any Time at All.
Magical Mystery Tour
Ill follow the sun.

Falta Norwegian wood, pero gran trabajo!

A favor En contra 1(1 voto)
#144 por socratesmaster
10 jul 2012, 20:30

All you need is love

Lo que necesias es amor

Lo que necesitas es solo una cancion

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#145 por jadenmivida
11 sep 2012, 13:35

she loves you
all my loving
lucy in the sky with diamonds
ps. i love you
stand by me
here comes the sun
strawberry fields forever
oh! darling
penny lane
hey jude
and i love her
twist and shout
get back
hello goodbye
come together
i saw her standing there
go with him (anna)
yellow submarine
working class hero
love me do
can't buy me love
a hard day's night
let it be
don't let me down
day tripper
across the universe
if i fell
magical mistery tour
all you need is love
octopus garden

ya se que la mayoría no son de la foto xD

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#146 por mayobross
20 sep 2012, 02:37

#51 #51 _lameloide dijo: Sun King
Octopus Garden
Lucy in the Sky.
Norwegian Wood
8 Days a Week.
She's Got a Ticket to Ride.
Here Comes The Sun.
While my Guitar Gently weeps.
The Long and Winding Road.
Strawberry Fields Forever.
Yellow Submarine
Polythene Pam
Yellow Submarine
Maxwell's Silver Hammer
Hello Goodbye
I am The Walrus
All You Need is Love.
Cant Buy Me Love
Carry That Weight
I'm Looking Through You
Any Time at All.
Magical Mystery Tour
Ill follow the sun.

Oh tu si eres un autentico fan de the beatles.

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#147 por cammyqueenbeatles
31 dic 2012, 22:36

#51 #51 _lameloide dijo: Sun King
Octopus Garden
Lucy in the Sky.
Norwegian Wood
8 Days a Week.
She's Got a Ticket to Ride.
Here Comes The Sun.
While my Guitar Gently weeps.
The Long and Winding Road.
Strawberry Fields Forever.
Yellow Submarine
Polythene Pam
Yellow Submarine
Maxwell's Silver Hammer
Hello Goodbye
I am The Walrus
All You Need is Love.
Cant Buy Me Love
Carry That Weight
I'm Looking Through You
Any Time at All.
Magical Mystery Tour
Ill follow the sun.

"Ticket to ride", no she got a ticket to ride

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#148 por La_Patata_Magica
3 feb 2013, 01:26

como se llama la cancion del bebé dentro de un circulo

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#149 por xime477
3 may 2014, 21:36

al comentarioque escribio i follow the sun esa no existe se llama here comes the sun

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