¡Cuánta razón! / Si eres profesor esto te puede interesar
Enviado por 123dale el 30 may 2023, 13:07

Si eres profesor esto te puede interesar

reino unido,profesores,pagar,sueldo

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#1 por yarefo
31 may 2023, 12:53

-Listen kids! I'm going to ask you some common sense questions, It's OK?
-Ok, Billy, If you are in a balcony, what should you do?
-Nooo, you shouldm't jump, you have should be careful and never jump!
-Tommy, If you are in a balcony, what should you do?
-No!, you should be careful!!
-Chris, If you are in a balcony, what should you do?
-JUMP! and If I don't kill myself at the first try, go up and try again!
-NO! ugh... they don't pay me enough...

A favor En contra 0(2 votos)
#2 por mrpizza
31 may 2023, 13:33

Profesores blancos, europeos y que no sean pobres. El racismo y la xenofobia es mas importante que la falta de profesores en RU

A favor En contra 6(6 votos)

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